Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hey, fellow readers!!  What are you reading?  I'm kind of in a rut and need some suggestions.  What would be a good end-of-summer read? 
What have I been up to?  Well, my Walking Friend (WF) and I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday, looking for fresh peaches. O.M.G. I hadn't been to the Farmer's Market here in town. They had some hot peppers that smelled AMAZING.  I stood over by them, sniffing, for so long that I'm sure the lady thought I was going to try to stuff some in my purse.  (Still wish I could think of a reason to buy some).  In any case, Southern Living has an absolutely LOVERLY peach cobbler recipe - it is the real thing, too, made with pie crust and layered with peaches. Yumm-er. And btw, below is a picture of their peach-cinnamon ice cream...just in case...you need to go get some peaches. 

I'm currently reading 'The Post Birthday World' by Lionel Shriver.  First, Let me say that the first novel of Ms. Shriver's that I read was 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' which was a MINDBLOWER. (And I'm sure I've talked about this book before, so let me go ahead and apologize for what's coming.) WNTTAK was about a family that was decimated when Kevin, the son, killed several of his peers in a school shooting (is shooting the right word? He didn't use a gun, he used a bow and arrow as his weapon). In any case, Eva, Kevin's mother, never was very maternal and actually didn't like Kevin very much. So the question that predominates, did Eva not like Kevin because he was 'evil' or maybe, that something was inherently wrong with him? Or did he become the was he was BECAUSE Eva didn't much like him? Very chilling book that really sticks with you. My book club read this book and almost didn't forgive me for choosing it!! It is disturbing to read, but well written and definitely a novel you will remember.

So then I picked up TPBW.  This book is about the effects of choices that we make in our daily lives. Initially, it was confusing to read, because each chapter is sort of running parallel to the last. I should explain. The book is based on a pivotal moment in the protagonist's (Irina's) life. She is having a birthday dinner with her husband's friend, Ramsey, and a moment comes when she either chooses to kiss him or doesn't. From then on, the chapters alternate, telling the story of what happens if she DOES kiss him (and eventually cheats on her husband) or DOESN'T kiss him.  Very interesting read about how often, in the moment, you don't realize that you are making a decision that can affect the rest of your life. I'm not 100% sure if it works, though. Like I said, it is very confusing (especially if you are not expecting the alternating stories and have to work that out) and it is a very detailed story - you may not want to read that much about what minutiae is going on in Irina's life.  I can't say if I would recommend this or not.  I sort of like it and, like WNTTAK, you will remember this book, but it takes some work to get through. 3 out of 5 stars.

I've also just finished 'Shine Shine Shine' by Lydia Netzer. I read about this one in People magazine, I think.  Really, it's a little strange.  Maxon and Sunny grew up together, married and have been together now for 20 years. Maxon is a gifted NASA (I think) engineer who is chosen to go to the moon with a team in order to colonize the moon with robots.  Sunny is a beautiful surburbonite who has alopecia (is bald...no hair, no eybrows/lashes..), but tries hard to keep up appearances.  They have an autistic son, Bubber, who I think, may be like his Dad (Maxon may be a little autistic, too - in his growing up, they talk a lot about him learning the appropriate emotional responses).  Anyway, while Maxon is on his way to the moon, Sunny has a car accident and her wig flies off - so the neighborhood sees her as she really is for the first time.  That is the catalyst that makes her realize that she's not normal, Maxon's not normal, Bubber's not normal...and that's ok.  It is a very whimsical and unlikely book - liked it - but not really sure of the plot.  The story seemed to be a meandering talke of Sunny and Maxon's life.  Which is ok, and interesting, but it always aggravates me a little when I feel like we're just wandering, not actually going anywhere!!  So.  I'm sorry, I don't know whether to recommend this one or not.  3.5 out of 5 stars.

Awhile back, I read 'Room by Emma Donoghue.  I seems like this book is loosely based on the story of Jaycee Dugard (kidnapped, held captive, had captor's baby). The story is told from the vantage point of five year old Jack who has only ever lived in the 'Room' with his Ma. The story tells of their days - rationing food, bathing, learning, making do with what little they have. Although Jack doesn't really understand, his Ma locks him up safe in the wardrobe when Old Nick comes to visit her. Eventually, they try to escape from their one room prison where Old Nick has been keeping them. This is another one - pretty interesting read, but a little disturbing. I don't know whether to tell you to read it or not!!  3 out of 5 stars.
I would love to hear from you in the comments!!  Please let me know what you are reading and how you are doing!!  I've just gotten the book 'Skippy Dies' by Paul Murray.  We'll see how it is!!

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