Friday, September 2, 2011

Do I want a Kindle?

Okay, all you e-readers out there.  Do I want a Kindle?  You know how I am.  I love me a book.  I love the way it smells, the way it feels, I feel secure carrying one around.  But maybe it is time to come on in to the 21st century and get an e-reader?  Actually, I have one.  I have a Sony e-reader.  I sort of like it, I sort of don't.  Actually, I don't really use it.  Well, that's not exactly the truth.  I don't use it at all.  But I'm not sure why.  It may be that I couldn't exactly get the books that I wanted or that I sort of didn't like the screen...I'm not sure and I wanted to get your opinions about the Kindle.  I have friends and acquaintances who absolutely LOVE their Kindle.  Is it better?  Or is a personality thing?  Some people LOVE the e-readers and some people just don't?  I really need some feedback, peeps...Christmas is coming up soon (see previous post) and I need to know whether or not to put it on my list.

Above I've posted a picture of the Sony Reader.  It is pretty cool, I can't complain...except that I can't get all the books like I might be able to with the Kindle being serviced by Amazon.  OR, there is the color NOOK.  (see below)

It might be cool to have a color Nook - can you get magazines on that?  I might like that.  And, being serviced by Barnes and Noble, surely I'd be able to get pretty much any book I wanted, right?

I just don't know.  Post your feedback and let me know!!


  1. I love my Nook! I have the plain 1st generation one and I had my doubts at first too. But, it is great. I carry it with me most everywhere I go. It saves my place automatically when I fall asleep reading (no crumpled pages!). I have had no problems finding books to read. AND, you are able to check out books from the library with the Nook. It also has a memory card to save your books (for those of us who would never dream of parting with one). It was the best gift ever!!! :)

  2. I am SO glad to know that!! Do you know if you can get magazines on the Nook? Do you plan to upgrade to the color Nook?? I wonder if it has any benefits? Are you able to check books out at any library? This is so cool and exciting!!
