Thursday, September 8, 2011

Peculiar Children

Have you seen this book in the bookstores?  I've been wanting to get it, but just haven't done it.  I really think I'm going to swing by and get it this afternoon.  Doesn't the cover look just AMAZING?  When I first noticed this book, I kind of automatically assumed it was a kind of horror story, but I don't think it really is.  According to's book review, the main character, Jacob is very close to his grandfather, who tells him stories and shows him old photographs about a place he used to live.  Apparently, the grandfather tells these INCREDIBLE stories about levitating girls and invisible boys and Jacob is entranced.  Well, the grandfather dies and Jacob takes a journey to this place and finds the children in the photographs are alive and well!! (gasp) And best of all, there are old-timey photographs interspersed in the book.  Take a look at this one below:

YERK!!  Creepy, huh?  But the reviews I've read don't make it sound like a horror story, more of a fantasy/adventure/kind of eccentric type book.  I'll let you know.

 I've just recently finished 'What We Keep' by Elizabeth Berg.  I really love her writing style, which is pervasive throughout all of her writing.  In this book, Marian (mother) leaves her husband and ends up alienating her two daughters, Ginny and Sharla. Ginny is the main character, sweet and steady, and we are following her on a trip to see her mother after a 35 year absence. The thing is, is that Marian is not really likable, and honestly, she is kind of weird, but the funny thing the end of the book, you figure out that the way that Ginny saw her mother and her mother's situation as a young girl was not exactly how it was.  It is really very surprising.  You find out that her mom WASN'T a flake like you thought.  It kind of takes your breath away, really...thinking of all the time that Ginny and Sharla wasted, being angry with their mother.  Anyway, good read.  But Elizabeth Berg almost always is.  Another favorite of mine that EB wrote is entitled 'Open House'.  

I truly love this book.  The heroine (gads, does anyone say heroine anymore??), rather, the protagonist, Samantha is completely likable and her friend, King is, too.  You need to read this.  I saw that they made a TV movie out of it.  Anybody see it?  I couldn't.  I like the book too much and if it wasn't good, I'd probably have to get in the bathtub (you know, the only place moms can go to be alone) and CRY.

So.  There's that.  I also just finished 'Mixed Blessings' by Danielle Steel.  I wanted to give her ONE more try.  Actually it is not bad...and my DS friend said that I should really read 'Kaleidoscope', that it is MUCH better.  But of course, that was NOT one of my choices at the Thrift Store the other day.  So.  This particular DS book was about 3 couples with infertility issues.  Let me summarize:  It all works out by page 150.  That is all.  Don't do it folks.  If anything, try one of her older books or maybe even 'Kaleidoscope'.  If you do, let me know how it is!  

Also, for those of you that live in a town with a Hastings (they do books, videos, and music), you need to check them out.  They are THE bomb.  They sell new AND used books, so it is a great place to find a bargain.  ALSO, though, they let you bring books back and they give you store credit.  So, if you have books that you don't want to keep, you can take them back and buy others!! (It just doesn't get much better than that, folks.)  They do have some restrictions as to what they'll take back, so make sure you check out their website, or call your local store (our people here in Auburn were great to explain things to me) before you go in.

Okay yall, I have more to say (heh, don't I always?), but I'd better go for now.  Have a good day and as always, please feel free to leave a comment - I LOVE getting them!! 


  1. Hey Chrissy...I mentioned to my librarian that you were writing a blog about books...and we were talking about Danielle Steel. She read and really liked "The Big Girl" by Danielle Steel. You may or may not like it...probably still uses the "formula", but she recommends that one. Do you get "Book Page", which is complimentary to libraries? If not, I'll forward this week's edition on to you. Aunt Shell

  2. I don't get the 'Book Page', but am DEFINITELY interested in reading it - do you mind to forward? And thanks for the Danielle Steel recommendation - I'll definitely give it a read!!
